Mental models. One of the things I love about retirement is the opportunity to pursue my interests without constraints. Don’t get me wrong. I still have commitments and obligations but there’s so much more flexibility. There are days when my priorities are skewed but then it’s primarily me that suffers the consequences. And maybe my husband. If he’s home.
Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 4
Procrastination and The Stairway to Heaven
Continue reading “Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 4”
Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 3
Procrastination and the Infinity Staircase
Sometimes procrastination takes you in unexpected directions. Continue reading “Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 3”
Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 2
Lazy or Not?
Last week’s post, Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 1, talked about the fact that overcoming procrastination isn’t necessarily as easy as taking the first step. Sometimes, there are other factors that need to be be dealt with first. Continue reading “Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 2”
Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 1
The Problem of Procrastination
Do you give in to procrastination? Ever? Perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones. An outlier who has either figured out how to beat procrastination, or who has never been plagued with it in the first place. Continue reading “Procrastination and Optical Illusions: Part 1”
How To Be A Thermostat So You Can Control Your Own Weather
Do you absorb or moderate the weather around you?
Continue reading “How To Be A Thermostat So You Can Control Your Own Weather”